We have a friend in Germany named Niels. He likes anything to do with danger. He is literally missing a pinkie and lets his 2 year old ride in the front seat of his S class mercedes with:
- no child seat
- airbags turned on
- isn't that enough for you?
So, we had a nice fire going in the wilderness. He had a firecracker. He wanted a boom. He pulled the string. Nothing happened. he dumped the whole innards out. Found the sphere with the gun powder. Think of the worst thing that he could do in this situation. Yep, he threw it in the flames. AND WE RAN LIKE HELL AWAY FROM THE FIRE. I of course loved the whole idea and was laughing my head of.
But nothing happened. The grown ups said the thing was too old. I didn't. It could still blow. And do you know what we did? We left it in the fire pit. So if you see on the news about a huge explosion in south Germany, that was all me baby.
Hahahaha!!!! Man, that's hilarious! No pinky? How'd he lose it?